"Jadi apabila anak itu memerdekakan kamu, kamupun benar-benar merdeka" (Yohanes 8:36)

Ev. Alex Neo (Home Director)

Praise Him for His Mighty Acts!

Praise God for His amazing grace and wondrous works! Yayasan Breakthrough Missions Indonesia is now in the 7th year of ministry in grateful service to the Lord! During a visit to Breakthrough Missions Singapore in 2001, Dr and Mrs. Mochtar Riady were deeply touched by the vision of Gospel-based Drug Rehabilitation, and eventually, Yayasan Breakthrough Missions Indonesia (YBMI) was founded and registered in Jakarta by Breakthrough Missions Singapore working hand in hand with our Founding Chairman, Dr James Riady. Since then, with faithful support and co-labour from our brethren-in-Christ, YBMI's ministry had seen encouraging growth in scale and in scope over the years. Today, our centre is housed in a spacious, sprawling building set amidst serene streams and lush green forests in Sentul City, by God's grace and the generous participation of Dr Riady.

Today, YBMI has five full time staff members manning the operations of the ministry, and 26 residents who are undergoing the 18-month Gospel-based Drug Rehabilitation program in YBMI. Fourteen of these brothers have completed their program and had chosen to remain to pursue further equipping to prepare themselves for full time commitment into God's ministries. God is faithful, and of the numerous former Breakthrough brothers who have been delivered from the bondage of drugs and sin by the life transforming power of the Gospel, twelve are now happily married, and four of them are blessed with children.

Following God's guiding hand, YBMI strives to share the love of God and the Lord's Gospel of hope and salvation to drug addicts in Indonesia. Aside from that, YBMI constantly works to improve the curriculum of the programme so as to give of our best to help the brothers. In order to provide a wider range of skills training for the residents, the structure of the program had also been expanded to include a larger variety of vocational fields. While only framing and copper tooling were taught in the earlier days of the ministry, new trades like car grooming, catering, laundry and dry cleaning services have been added to the list of vocational departments today. Prevention is better than cure, and our outreach team conducts regular visits to prisons and schools to educate the inmates and students on staying away from drugs and crime, while at the same time allowing our brothers and staff to gain experience in ministering to others.

Seven years is a considerable milestone in the journey of YBMI's ministry, yet when we look at the grander picture, we see that God had been using the past years to mould our ministry and enable us to build a solid foundation, and the real challenge awaits us in the days to come! The Lord had done magnificent things in our lives and ministry, and as we continue to walk in His will as His faithful and loyal stewards, we can be sure that we will see ever greater measures of His overflowing grace and mercies upon our endeavours, and the lives of countless people who thirst for Him! Praise Him for His mighty acts; Praise Him according to His excellent greatness! (Psalm 150:2).